How Can Someone Measure E-Learning Effectiveness?

We are rapidly progressing towards an advanced era where everything is gradually being shifted to the online world. Every passing day; we are introduced to something new and exciting. Out of them, some pass the test and some go down the drain. However; one such technology or more specifically advancement is the introduction of E-learning.
We all are somehow aware of the term E-learning but barely do we know about its features, qualities, and benefits. Gone are the days when students used to sit in a classroom to make notes during lectures (Robeck, 2021). As the effectiveness of E-learning in our environment is not well-known, this is why we are here to highlight all these and other related topics with you guys.
What is your understanding of E-learning? Is it the education that is acquired through the internet? Well! You are right to some extent but there is much more to that. E-learning can be defined as the form of learning that is acquired through electronic mediums. It is the type in which a face-to-face lecture is not carried out rather education is acquired from online sites, videos, and other such forms of assistance.
The professional dissertation writing services, assignment assistance, or even essay writing help are all different forms of electronic learning. So; students who take writing assistance must be very grateful for the introduction of the E-learning system.
Benefits of E-learning:
E-learning has brought lots of positive effects on the lives of students as well as teachers. We shall be looking at some of those in the following paragraphs;
- This form of learning not only saves money but also saves time because you can acquire education while sitting at your home. Your time is not wasted by going to the educational institutes neither you have to pay that much of an educational fee.
- It provides flexible hours. Students can take online lectures whenever they want to study.
- The services that are taken through online learning platforms are quick. You don’t have to wait in line to buy a book or wait for the time of your professor to understand a certain lecture.
It has become easier than ever before where you can pay someone to do my exam, you can pay someone to take your classes, and can even buy writing services in a matter of seconds.
Downsides of E-learning:
E-learning has brought some downsides with it as well which are as follows:
- The biggest downside of E-learning is the lack of discipline and schedule. The facilities for them to take online services anytime have made them a bit lazy.
- The education acquired through an online platform does not hold as much importance as the one that is achieved from educational institutes.
- Students taking education through E-learning have no consistency in their academics.
Types of E-learning:
E-learning can be divided into multiple types based on the ways you acquire the education. Even though all types of learning are gained through an online platform but the ways to acquire it differ. Following are some such types of E-learning;
- Self-learning: This is the type of electronic learning in which students acquire education from online mediums on their own and from the platforms which they prefer.
- Course-based learning: It is the type of E-learning in which students can buy the services from an online site that offers their help by covering the whole course of a particular level of students.
- Article-based learning: It is yet another type of E-learning that proves to be greatly helpful for students especially when it comes to taking references or collecting data for written projects.
- Face-to-face learning: All of the online classes can be categorized under this type of E-learning.
Measuring the effectiveness of E-learning:
Even though; E-learning has both positive effects and some negative effects as well but it is the pros of it that overcome the cons. This makes the process of E-learning extremely effective (beneficial) for the students. It has been estimated that up to 92% of students have found a prominent increase in their grades because of the help that they got through electronic platforms.
A survey was conducted among the students who took education from the electronic platform and the students who studies through traditional ways. The results showed that the E-learners were more satisfied with their form of education. Besides that; E-learners were able to solve more questions compared to traditional learners. Another structured search of library databases revealed that research examining the effectiveness of E-Learning has heavily increased within the last five years (Noesgaard, 2015).
The effectiveness of E-learning has not only made its impact in improving the academic lifestyle of the students but also gave a certain sense of relief to them. It has made them more calm and relaxed. As the students know that they can take help from the internet anytime they want so they don’t have the stress of attending classes or writing projects.
Ways to improve the effectiveness of E-learning:
E-learning is already considered to be quite a favorite among students still there is always a scope for a little bit of improvement. Following steps or ways can help in improving this platform even more;
- The online teaching websites should make it easy for students to contact them whenever necessary.
- The course must be well-organized and shall make sure that students are following it.
- The documents of the course or the recordings of the given lecture must be provided to each individual as they have paid for it.
- Written information must be clear and easily comprehensible.
E-learning can be stated as one of the most advanced forms of technology. It has not only helped students but also has assisted teachers. Even though; it has both; pros and cons. But the positive effects of E-learning are clearly visible. We hope that we have provided you with enough information about E-learning and its effectiveness.
Noesgaard, S. S. (2015). The Effectiveness of E-Learning: An Explorative and Integrative Review of the Definitions, Methodologies and Factors that Promote e-Learning Effectiveness. EJEL , 13.
Robeck, A. (2021, August 24th). How To Structure Your Online Class Effectively. .