There are many funny parties, but only one is cheerful. This is the slogan of an international organization whose task is to cheer people around the world. Here are the most important information about it.
Extraordinary organization
It was established in 2001, which is over 20 years ago. It was created but never formally registered. Because he does not intend to deal with serious politics, but spread joy and smile with his actions.
The person who came up with the idea of creating the Good Humor Party is a well-known satirist and caricaturist from Poland, Szczepan Sadurski. His idea became widely known as the parliamentary election campaign was underway. Not everyone understood what kind of party it was and some really applied because they wanted to become parliamentarians. A few years earlier, a party of beer lovers (Polska Partia Przyjaciół Piwa) got into the parliament, but there was a quarrel and a few years later it ended its life. The satirist’s party did not want to end up like this. And it was a good decision, because after two decades it still exists. And it is still based in the capital of Poland, Warszawa.
It quickly turned out that the idea of a cheerful, slightly crazy organization is understood not only in Poland. ID cards (real cards) were received by more and more people from different countries of the world. There were many satirists among them, including people from the world of entertainment and culture. Today, there are over 6,000 people who have received ID cards. The Good Humor Party has its representatives (ambassadors) in some countries. It doesn’t matter if they speak different languages. A sense of humor and a smile are independent of what language we speak and how old we are.
3 smiles a day and Happy Skyscraper
Some people think that such a party is an idea to get rich. Not in this case. From the beginning, the membership fee is 3 smiles per day. It has never happened that someone said that such a contribution is difficult to implement. This means that belonging to this unique organization is a pleasure and an honor for everyone.
The symbol of the most cheerful organization in the world is the Happy Skyscraper. Anyone can download a ready-made model from the Internet and glue it together, and then photograph it in interesting place. Preferably in front of a well-known object – a stadium, a castle, a well-known building. Subsequent photos are officially noted. So far, Happy Skyscraper has been photographed on all continents except Antarctica, in over 60 countries around the world, in almost 700 cities.
Why Happy Skyscraper and what is its history? Anyone interested in this text will surely find all the information on the Internet.