Many business owners wonder why a website is a must in business.
How long did Toys R’ Us last without being online? There is some real food for thought!
Let us get right into it!
- ACCESSIBILITY- with a website you will be available twenty-four seven. With a traditional brick and mortar, customers are confined to shop in a certain window of time. When your customers get off at five and you close at five, they may go to your competitor to get the same product. EVEN IF ITS QUALITY IS NOT YOURS! Now imagine that you close at 5 and your customer gets off at five. But this time, you have a website, so at 5:08 you get an order with a new sale. With a website online your customer is able to come to look, shop and purchase at any hour of the day!
Showing your business will be available no matter what time it is. - BUILDING CUSTOMER TRUST- when you have a website your customer can look at your store online. With everything being online nowadays, even dating, most customers are going to look you up before making a decision to purchase from you. If you do not have a website online, you automatically get dismissed and never thought of again.
You gain trust when people can see you. - FIRST IMPRESSION- you never get a second chance on a first impression! If you had twenty people show up in your store and it was not running correctly, chances are your customers ( your money, sales, profit) would walk out the door. Why would you take that chance online? Most people today will go online and shop from the comfort of their own homes. If you are not online how do they even get the chance of walking into your store? Make sure your website is clear, cut, and professional so when they visit, they look around, add to cart and BUY your product!
- INCREASING SALES- here we are again. But this is what we are in business for right? If you are not online, they will go to a competitor that is! Simple as that! No online store, no online sales. With a good website, you are able to gain new traffic and convert that traffic into buying customers. If you need help converting those lookers into buyers visit AwAwesome Websites to get weekly tips& tricks right to your email!
Get more sales when you have customers online! - IMPORTANT FOR MARKETING-many small businesses are trying social media ads. Well if you have nowhere for that ad to convert, then why are you wasting your money on ad spend? With the right marketing and a great website, you can turn those ad dollars into a huge return on investment. You need to have a great place for the online lookers to go after they click on your ad….. your website.
You have to have somewhere for your ads to land! When putting your business online, there is no reason to be scared. Today it is critical for the survival of your business. There are so many options out there to even do it yourself. So take the first step, get your domain. Do your research. If you have the time and energy to learn everything that goes into a good website, start building it today. If not, take some time researching the company that best fits YOUR business needs. Then take the plunge and get your site UP AND RUNNING!!!!