The most important techniques for building backlinks with blogs

In this video, we are going to discuss one of the most used but very easy methods in the field of backlinks. This method is very easy to build links inside blogs. One of the questions you will face in this section is whether building backlinks to the blog is still valuable!
How to Get Backlinks (15 Quick and Simple Strategies)
Our answer to the question is yes, but the power of this solution has diminished over time, and it is still considered valuable. Making backlinks with a blog is one of the solutions that will bring you benefits at no cost.
1- Select 5 Iranian blogs and 5 foreign blogs
To choose 5 foreign blogs, you must use blogs such as, However, regarding the selection of Iranian blogs, we are excused from naming a specific blog due to the existing conditions. But you can find the best Iranian blogs by searching and using 5 of them.
With these conditions, we have a blog for each topic that we can choose one of them for each topic. In simpler language:
For example, we are going to work on a topic (SEO). To do this, we have to create 10 blogs, and another question that is asked about this is that we have to create 10 blogs for topics such as (SEO training) ?! No, we have to create 10 blogs for the whole topic (SEO).
2- Post-production
The second point about building backlinks with a blog is post-production but an important question ..
Can we copy posts from our website to the blog ?!
No, because this is a complete copy and your blog does not deserve any value or status. Because for this, your blog must be valuable, which can make your website valuable by building backlinks. To do this you need to make changes to the content.
A great suggestion that makes your blog valuable to Google !!
To do this, we suggest you prepare unique weekly content for your blog and put it in it, which will make your blog valuable to Google.
3- How much content should we produce?
The third point about building a backlink to a blog is the number of contents, which depends on how much you can put in your blog, for example, if you produce content on your website every day, it does. Reduce it in your blogs to one every two days or even every three days. But the content posted on the blog should not be copied in any way.
4- Put the content on the blog after being indexed by Google.
One thing to keep in mind is that you should allow content to appear in Google results (on each page) and then post it on the blog.
What if we act against this! If you do the opposite, that is, but the content of the website in the blog as soon as it is indexed, you will face a big problem. Because Google considers your content to be copied from the blog, the only way to do that is to be indexed by Google.
5- The blog should be designed and beautiful
One of the most important things about a blog is that you need to make no distinction between your blog and your website, and you need to be sensitive and time-consuming:
- Check on UI and UX
- Also, check the template design
- Check banners
- Content SEO review
- By doing this, you can increase the position and level of your blog.
- You can also use a three-way strategy to link to increase the position of your blogs.
6- Are the comments posted on the blogs still effective?
The probability that this will affect you is so, very low that we do not count on it.
In the previous section, we mentioned the impact of the SSL certificate on SEO and its settings in WordPress, and now in this session, we want to talk about the important point of creating backlinks through blogs, which has a great impact on SEO and can transform your site. Of course, we have many ways to build backlinks, most of which are dramatic and inefficient. We will definitely have a training course on backlink building in the future, but for now, we want to teach you the most important point and solutions in building backlinks.
Of course, we suggest that you watch all the relevant training sessions carefully in order to be able to improve your SEO site in the best possible way, or even to teach SEO. You should also implement the solution of this session when you are sure that you have implemented the training of the previous sessions well on your site. To perform the trick of this session, be sure to pay attention to all the points mentioned, otherwise, you may damage your site.
What is a backlink?
For example, a site mentions a net site in its content and gives backlinks to our site. In fact, it values our site and considers it a good reference. Also, having backlinks from an external site has more points and makes your site rise in search engines much faster. As we said, there are many ways to build backlinks, but many of them are inefficient. In this session, we want to teach you the most effective backlink-building method available. Of course, for other methods, we will have another training course in the future.
How to create backlinks through blogs
As a business owner, you can create a blog and expand it by producing content. Of course, in the previous sessions, we said that you should produce content in a principled way. Then, after expanding your blog, you can backlink to the main site you have with a special policy.
Which servers are suitable for blogging?
You do not always need to buy a host and domain to build a blog. We have free blogging services that give you a page to publish your content. As we said, there are many blog servers in the world, but they are important for us that after creating a blog, the importance of their domain is transferred to our main site. This means that the blog you create should have a high score from the beginning. With the help of, you can assess the importance of different blog domains. But in our personal experience, the two blogs Pars Blog and Tebyan Blog are reputable blogs.
Very important points in building a blog
The theme of the blog you create must be the same as the theme of your site.
Your blog name should not be the same as your main site name. Because search engines should not realize that this blog belongs to us.
The content you post on the blog should not be a copy. Because in addition to destroying your blog, you are also likely to destroy the main site.
Before linking to your own site, try to link to other powerful sites. Google will be sensitive if you link all blog articles to your site. So try to do this over time.
You need to have two blogs to get started. From blog number one, you have to link to blog number two. Then link to some of your articles on the main site from blog number two.
Try not to overdo the linking. Because this is very dangerous.
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