6 Best Diabetes-Friendly Bedtime Snacks

If you’re a good sleeper, you’ve developed a pre-bed ritual to prepare your mind and body for sleep. Take a bath, snuggle with your pet, read a book, or do all of the above. However, if you have diabetes, you may ask whether you should include a snack in your daily routine.
As you would expect, some diabetics may benefit from a snack, while others may not. So, how did you find out? And what are the healthiest snacks? See what nutritionists have to say.
Why Snacking Before Sleeping Makes Sense
Whether you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, having a snack before bedtime may be beneficial. “It may help avoid low blood sugar during the night and/or high blood sugar in the morning,” explains Elysia Cartlidge, RD, a registered dietitian in Ontario, Canada and creator of Haute & Healthy Living. Of course, both low and high blood sugar levels may be harmful to the body, not only in the short term but also in the long term, so it’s best to avoid them.
That evening snack for diabetes may also help you sleep. A modest, balanced snack might help protect you from waking up in the middle of the night due to hunger, which can lead to poor sleep and other repercussions. “Lack of sleep may affect the manufacturing of your appetite hormones, causing you to eat more while you’re up,” Cartlidge explains. This might cause problems with weight control and blood sugar levels.
Furthermore, a lack of sleep raises stress hormones, which may cause blood sugar levels to rise. When blood sugar levels are high, “the kidneys overcompensate by forcing you to pee more often, and repeated visits to the toilet throughout the night may lead to even more interrupted sleep,” Cartlidge explains. Furthermore, since high blood sugar may produce headaches, increased thirst, and exhaustion, you may have difficulty going asleep.
How to Determine If You Need a Nighttime Snack
Not everyone with diabetes need a snack before night. So, how did you find out? Allow your blood sugar levels to lead you. Monitor and document your blood sugar levels throughout the day, especially right before bed, between 2 and 3 a.m., and when you wake up, adds Cartlidge. Once you have those results, you may consult with your doctor to see whether you need an evening snack.
However, there is one condition that should be considered. This is known as the dawn phenomenon, and it occurs when your blood sugar levels rise when you wake up in the morning. “Because you’ll have high blood sugar levels in the morning,” Cartlidge explains, “it may be suggested that you avoid having a carbohydrate-rich snack before night, as it might cause blood sugar levels to increase.” If this trend continues, the impacts of the dawn phenomena may worsen.
6 Bedtime Snacks for People with Diabetes
If you and your doctor have determined that a night snack is a good idea, there are a few things to think about. Begin with the time of your snack, which should be around 30 minutes before burrowing under the covers for digestive reasons, according to Amanda Sauceda, M.S., RD, a registered dietitian in Long Beach, California. Of course, this may need to be adjusted dependent on your blood sugar levels.
Then, make sure you’re not consuming what Sauceda refers to as a “naked” carb, which is simply a carbohydrate by itself. Ideally, you should couple that carb—make sure it’s a complex carb with fiber—with a protein and a healthy fat. “By regulating blood glucose, this vitamin combination will avoid a large blood sugar increase,” Sauceda explains.
Related: The Fastest Ways to Control Your Blood Sugar If You Have Diabetes
Finally, keep in mind that this is a snack and not a meal. Take note of portion sizes and total calorie consumption. “Eating too much of a snack may result in higher blood sugar and long-term weight gain,” Cartlidge warns.
Here are six foods recommended by our dietitians:
Avocado on Whole-Wheat Toast
Do you like avo toast? Avocado is a fruit that is naturally rich in fiber and full of beneficial fats. That are excellent for your heart and blood sugar, according to Sauceda. And it’s even better if you spread it on whole-wheat bread (or your favorite high-fiber bread). According to a 2022 research published in Nutrients, whole grains have a favorable influence on blood sugar.
Whole-Grain Bread with Natural Peanut Butter
Another snack suggestion using whole-grain bread, either toasted or untoasted. Cartlidge recommends using 100% whole-grain bread. With at least 2 grams of fiber per slice (look for “whole grain” as the first item on the list). Limit yourself to one slice and top it with some natural peanut butter with no additional salt or sugar. “Peanut butter is high in healthy fats and protein, and when combined with whole-grain bread. It may help delay carbohydrate digestion and keep evening hunger at bay,” Cartlidge says. Among the numerous minerals included in peanut butter is magnesium, which aids with blood sugar regulation.
Energy Bites
Use a nut-butter foundation the next time you make energy bites. Nuts include protein, fat, and fiber, and have been related in multiple studies to lower fasting blood sugar. and better blood sugar management, according to Sauceda. Use a scoop of protein powder or higher protein nuts like peanuts or almonds to improve the protein content of your energy bites. For plant-based omega-3s, add some chia seeds or crushed flax. “They’re also anti-inflammatory,” she adds, “and reducing inflammation is being researched as a possible strategy to aid with diabetes and metabolic syndrome.”
Greek Yogurt with Berries
Cartlidge recommends Greek yogurt, saying it’s a good option for diabetics. Since it has up to double the protein but just half the carbs of ordinary yogurt. Furthermore, yogurt has several health advantages, including improved digestive and cardiovascular health. Just make sure you stick to plain yogurt since flavored varieties are frequently heavy in added sugar. Which may cause blood sugar spikes. No issue if you need or want to switch to plant-based or Greek yogurt. Add berries, such as blackberries or blueberries, to sweeten the yogurt. “They won’t create as much of a surge in blood sugar since they’re lower on the glycemic index than other varieties of fruit,” Cartlidge explains. Berries are strong in fiber and anthocyanins, antioxidants that may suppress specific digestive enzymes that aid delay digestion. According to a 2021 research published in the International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research.
Hummus with Veggies or Fruit
Hummus is prepared from chickpeas, a plant-based protein, and legumes like chickpeas provide a special advantage for diabetics. “Research suggests eating legumes like chickpeas may help improve insulin sensitivity,” Sauceda adds, citing a 2018 research published in Nutrients. To obtain more fiber, combine it with veggies (such as carrots and celery).
Whole-Grain Crackers and Cheese
Whole grains, as a reminder, include beneficial quantities of fiber. Which helps avoid significant rises in blood sugar. But why the cheese? It does include protein, some fat, and little to no carbs, but more crucially, “the protein and fat may also help you feel fuller for longer. Lowering cravings for less-healthy meals,” according to Cartlidge. Also, for those who eat a vegan diet or are lactose intolerant: Plant-based cheese may be substituted. But it will have a somewhat reduced protein level, roughly 1 to 2 grams of protein in a slice of vegan cheese against. About 4 grams of protein in a slice of conventional cheese, according to Cartlidge.
Karen Asp From Geometry Dash LLC Reviewed by Dietitian Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia September 02, 2022